2014-2015 Visiting Researchers
Diane Bernard
Diane Bernard
Diane Bernard, PhD, is associate researcher (Belgian National Fund for Research) and visiting professor in legal theory (Université Saint-Louis – Brussels). She has been working for a few years on the structure, goals, and functions of international criminal law, in collaboration with various scholars, practicioners, and NGOs. She published in 2014 two books in the matter (Juger et juger encore les crimes internationaux. Etude du principe ne bis in idem at Larcier, and Trois propositions pour une théorie du droit international pénal at Presses USL). Her current research focuses on the symbolics of law, therefore combining her areas of interest, i.e. legal theory, psychoanalysis, sociology, and international criminal law.
Honor Brabazon
Honor Brabazon
Honor Brabazon is a doctoral candidate at the University of Oxford. She holds a BA (Hons) from Trinity College in the University of Toronto and an MA in Political Science from York University. She has been a visiting student in the School of Law at Birkbeck, University of London and at the Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies at the University of Toronto. She has received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security, among other research grants and awards. Her principal research interest is the role of law in the neoliberal project and to what extent this reinforces or reconfigures the potential for effective tactics of social change that engage the law. Her doctoral research draws from the example of the Bolivian Landless Peasants’ Movement to explore the impact of neoliberal juridical change on possibilities for political dissent, as well as the subversive engagements with law by certain social movements in response. Her current projects also include editing a volume on Neoliberal Legality, which theorizes the relationship between law and neoliberalism, and leading an IGLP Collaborative Research Project on Law’s Hegemony, which explores law’s supremacy over alternative systems of authority in the neoliberal period.
Research she has conducted in Bolivia, Sweden, India, and Canada has been presented at academic conferences internationally, published in peer-reviewed scholarly and non-scholarly publications, and translated into Spanish. She has also given a number of public talks and lectures and participated in external scholarly research collectives.
José Manuel Díaz Pulido
José Manuel Díaz Pulido
José Manuel Díaz Pulido was born in 1975 in Gran Canaria, Spain. He received his MSc in Applied Economics & Data Analysis in 2004 at the University of Essex / United Kingdom with a special mention for results placed among the top ranked 5% of all 120 students for MSc degrees in the department of Economics and his LL.M with honors in 2000 at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Spain. Currently he is working as a Legal Director & CFO at the Foundation for the International Promotion of Spanish Universities (Ministry of Education) and Director of MA in Economic Journalism in Rey Juan Carlos University. Previously he held several positions as a lecturer and researcher in public universities (Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Rey Juan Carlos ) and government institutions (National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, Spanish Government and Observatory of employment, Madrid City Council). His research topics are: Comparative Social Law and Policy, Redistribution and Inequality, Fiscal Federalism and Quantitative Analysis of Social & Economic Data. He has more than 20 publications including papers in academic journals and book chapters and has made several contributions to national and international academic and practitioners congresses.
Ignacio Jiménez Macías
Ignacio Jiménez Macías
Ignacio Jiménez Macías was born in Madrid in 1974, and received his Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1997. He then started his post-graduate studies in Administrative Law and obtained his Master´s Degree in 2000. Ignacio was admitted into the bar in Madrid in 2001. Since then, he has worked for law firms and financial entities as a tax lawyer. Ignacio is now a Ph.D. candidate from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. His field of research now is completely different from his administrative law subjects in 2000. Ignacio has decided to take advantage of his tax lawyer experience and his years working for financial institutions. Consequently, the subject of his research is now International Tax Policy.
Hani Sayed
Hani Sayed
Hani Sayed is Assistant Professor of Law and a member at the Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies at the American University in Cairo. Before joining AUC in February of 2005, Professor Sayed taught at Brandeis University and worked as a researcher at the Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research. Earlier he practiced law in Damascus and New York. He received his Licence en Droit from Damascus University, a D.E.S. in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, and an S.J.D. from Harvard Law School. His research interests include Law and Economic Development, International Economic Law, Legal and Political Theory.
Pablo Chico
Pablo Chico
Pablo Chico has a PhD in Law and is a full Professor of Tax Law at Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid) where he’s currently the Director of the Department of Public Law and Political Science. Master in Business Administration & Tax Advisory. Member of the Spanish Taxpayer´s Defense Council (Treasury Department). Researcher of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, an organization attached to the Spanish Treasury Department which responds to the need for reform of financial and tax institutions through research, economic and legal study in matters relating to public income and expenditure. A partner of community legal services, Pablo Chico de la Cámara is also the author of more than 200 publications on international taxation, sports taxation, environmental taxation and tax evasion besides monographs, specialized reviews and book chapters.