2013-2014 Visiting Researchers

Mustapha El Karouni
Mustapha El Karouni
Mustapha El Karouni is a Visiting Fellow at Harvard Law School. He is also a Research Fellow at Ghent University ( Belgium ), where his focus is Legal Theory and Comparative Law. He is affiliated at Ecole des hautes Études en sciences Sociales ( Paris ).
Mr. El Karouni is a member of the Brussels bar ( Belgium ), where he has been a legal advisor to governments in public law. Previously, he was an elected member of the Brussels Parliament.
During his term at the Institute of Global Law and Policy (IGLP) he is focusing on the development of a new theory of law which includes a global epistemological approach and the setting of a new postmodern cognitive paradigm.
His most recent publication is Legal Science Challenged by Cultural Paradigms: ‘Subjective Objectivity’ in Legal Scholarship.

Julio V. González García
Julio V. González García
Julio V. González García is Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Department of Administrative Law of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). His main teaching, searching and consulting orientations include public goods, public procurement, economic globalization, administrative intervention in public services, education, university Law and European Law. Although he took Law courses and got his Bachelor in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, he has developed his entire academic career at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid of which he has been the General Secretary for eight years (2003/11). He has been awarded with the Medal of Honour of this University.
His major publications include: El alcance del control judicial de las Administraciones Públicas en los EE.UU. de América, Ed. McGraw-Hill, (1996). La titularidad de los bienes del dominio público, Ed. Marcial Pons, (1998); La revisión extraordinaria de sentencias contencioso-administrativas, Ed. Tecnos, (2000). Infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones y Corporaciones locales, Ed. Aranzadi, (2003). Financiación de infraestructuras públicas y estabilidad presupuestaria, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia (2007). Sociedades estatales de obras públicas, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia (2008). Colaboración público privada e infraestructuras de transporte. Entre el contrato de colaboración entre el sector público y el sector privado y la atipicidad de la gestión patrimonial, Ed. Marcial Pons, Madrid (2010). [This book was awarded with the III Premio Ruralcaja-CEDIT (best book on transport Law)]. Globalización económica y Estado (forthcoming). Editor of: Comentario a la Ley Orgánica de Universidades, Thompson-Reuters, Madrid (2009). Comercio exterior, Ed. Iustel, Madrid (2009). Derecho de los bienes públicos, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia (2005). 2ª Edición Valencia (2009) -3º Edition forthcomming). Diccionario de bienes públicos y obra pública, Ed. Iustel, Madrid (2007). Also he is the author of “Classic Procurement Procedures” en R. Caranta, E. Guldestam y M. Tyrbus EU Public Contract Law. Public Procurement and Beyond, Bruylant, Bruselas (2014), pp. 59-80.“Cuestiones prospectivas del profesorado universitario”, with Carlos Andradas Heranz, Revista Catalana de Dret Public, nº 44(2012), páginas 191-224.; Autorizaciones, comunicaciones previas y declaraciones responsables en la transposición de la Directiva de servicios; Revista d’Estudis Autonòmics i Federals, nº 11(2010); páginas 255-293; “Globalización económica, entes públicos y Derecho administrativo: presupuestos de una relación”, en la Revista de Administración Pública, nº 164 (enero-abril 2004), pp. 7 – 39.

Helen Hartnell
Helen Hartnell
Helen Hartnell is Professor of Law (Emerita) at Golden Gate University School of Law, where she teaches European Union Law, International Business Transactions, International Commercial Arbitration, International Trade Regulation, and Transnational Litigation (Private International Law). She was Associate Professor of Law at Tulane Law School and at the Central European University (Budapest) before joining the GGU faculty in 1997. She was Fulbright Scholar at the University of Helsinki Faculty of Law (2012); held the DAAD Visiting Chair in Anglo-American Law at the Free University of Berlin (2007), where she continues to teach “Law, Politics and Society in Comparative Perspective” each summer; and has taught at the University of Cologne (Germany) and at ELTE University (Hungary).
Professor Hartnell writes and lectures extensively on international and comparative law. Her major publications include “Living La Vida Lex Mercatoria” (Uniform Law Review, 2007); “Belonging: Citizenship and Migration in the European Union and in Germany” (Berkeley Journal of International Law, 2006); “EUstitia: Institutionalizing Justice in the European Union” (Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business, 2002); “Subregional Coalescence in European Regional Integration” (Wisconsin International Law Journal, 1997); and “Rousing the Sleeping Dog: The Validity Exception to the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods” (Yale Journal of International Law, 1993). She is currently completing an interdisciplinary Ph.D. dissertation in Jurisprudence and Social Policy at the University of California, Berkeley on “Institutionalizing Civil Justice in the European Union: Legal Elites and Ideologies in Transnational Governance”.

Zachary D. Kaufman
Zachary D. Kaufman
Zachary D. Kaufman is a Visiting Fellow at Yale Law School, the Yale School of Management’s Program on Social Enterprise, and Yale’s Genocide Studies Program as well as a Lecturer in Yale’s Department of Political Science. Previously, Dr. Kaufman practiced law at O’Melveny & Myers LLP—where he served as pro bono counsel to Ashoka, the global association of leading social entrepreneurs—while teaching as an Adjunct Professor at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs. Earlier in his career, he focused on the investigation and prosecution of suspected perpetrators of atrocities (e.g., genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity) while serving at the U.S. Departments of State and Justice, the UN International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and for the Former Yugoslavia, and the International Criminal Court.
In addition to his other writing, Dr. Kaufman has published two books: he is the editor of Social Entrepreneurship in the Age of Atrocities: Changing Our World and the co-editor (with Dr. Phil Clark) of After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. He received his B.A. in Political Science from Yale University, where he was the student body president; his J.D. from Yale Law School, where he was the Editor-in-Chief of the Yale Law & Policy Review; and his Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Oxford, where he was a Marshall Scholar.

Marcelo D. Torelly
Marcelo D. Torelly
Marcelo D. Torelly (Brazil) holds a J.D. from Catholic University-Porto Alegre (PUCRS) and a M.Sc. from Brasilia University Law School (UnB) where he’s currently a PhD candidate. Prior to joining the IGLP, Mr. Torelly has served as advisor for the Brazilian Ministry of Justice on Transitional Justice issues, as head of the Historical Memory Department from Amnesty Commission (a Brazilian State agency in charge of reparations and memory programs for dictatorship victims), as manager of the Transitional Justice Exchange and Development Program jointly sponsored by the Brazil’s Federal Government and the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), and has taught theory and philosophy of law at Brasilia Catholic University (UCB).
In his term as visiting researcher at the IGLP, Mr. Torelly is focusing on how institutional interactions between the Inter-American System of Human Rights and domestic legal regimes are reshaping constitutional law along Latin America and creating global governance standards. Mr. Torelly’s previous academic works are available in English, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Recent publications include:
“Financial Complicity: The Brazilian Dictatorship Under the Macroscope” (with Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, in Sharp, Justice and Economic Violence in Transition, Springer 2013);
“Historische Deutungen und Transitionale Gerechtigkeit” (in Neumann et alli, Transitional Justice, Peter Lang GmbH 2013);
“Transformaciones del concepto de amnistía en la justicia de transición brasileña” (with Paulo Abrão, in Revista Jueces para la Democracia, vo. 77, 2013 – Spain);
“Resistance do Change: Brazil’s persistent amnesty and its alternatives for Truth and Justice” (with Paulo Abrão, in Payne/Lessa, Amnesty in the Age of Human Rights Accountability, CUP 2012).