IGLP Events Calendar

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2019 TIJ Workshop for Emerging Leaders
January 6, 2019 - January 10, 2019

On January 6-10, 2019, the IGLP co-sponsored a workshop with the Thailand Institute of Justice. The Workshop for Emerging Leaders grows out of the collaborative effort between IGLP and TIJ to endow professional and practitioners from different sectors and fields with the knowledge and tools to effectively tackle the policy challenges they are confronted with in their respective experiences. The week-long program targets young, successful professionals who engage in a peer-to-peer learning dialogue, coordinated and facilitated by an exclusive network of highly international and broadly interdisciplinary faculty from TIJ and IGLP. Further enhancing the experience, the TIJ Workshop took place concurrently with the IGLP Scholars Workshop, thus broadening not only networking opportunities, but also – and more importantly – the range of perspectives and discussions on complex interlinkages between international law, the rule of law, and policy making. For this year’s Workshop, the spotlight theme was the Rule of Law and its role for sustainable development. The tailored program provided professional and practitioners with ideas and practical tools for having positive economic, political, and social impacts in developing local, regional, and international programs and initiatives.